If you understand why that's my journal's name, I will award you 30 house points. xD Anyway, I'll angst in here and put any poems that aren't too awful. &3
I'm sooo tired. :3 I was up till 5 reading a really good fanfiction. I couldn't help it. Sirius/Remus was promised! And it was really good. :'D I need to stop being so obsessive about that pairing. :3
If you keep obsessing over that pairing, you'll get another asthma attack.
schmorgie13 · Community Member · Wed Jul 02, 2008 @ 09:17pm
which fic was is? I was reading a really good one the other day, cept it was Remus/Sirius/Harry, and Remus was a werewolf through most of it.. it was..er..a bit..out there.