lol for those who dont kno what death note is im going to explain it.. its a anime /movie about a special book that this random guy finds,his name is light but he is also known as kira the killer....the book he finds is not odenry book,its a specal type of book and who evers name u write in that book DIES within 40 secconds of writeing it....kira/light starts to think that the world would be better off without bad people and he starts to write crimnals names in it....the head of the FBI desides to investage these murders and finds out whats happening...they called the killer kira (tho i dunno y)...also there are these creatures called death gods that hang around with the people that have the book.. the main person (which is in charge of the FBI)nick name is L ...he starts to unravel the case...mean wile another book is found by a girl named misa and shes a model><shes not very bright and she gets caught by the FBI....enyway there is a catch to haveing a death note book...who ever uses it cant go to heven or hell they go to this thing called nuthingness.........and ye thats is it......its a very good show and i <3 itlol
XBloodSoakedYukiiX · Mon Jun 23, 2008 @ 06:54am · 0 Comments |