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my online journal i will write bout my personal thoughts- and probobly how much i luv.... manga, and harry potter, and obviously bout gaia.

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Hey all gaia users! biggrin
i'm lilangel_babyface and this is my journal!

i've like only been on gaia 4 like 15min and i'm like so confused! - and don't tell me u weren't wen u first joined!
so like, i'll tell u bit bout ME! i'm 11 yrs old, i luv... anime/manga, and harry potter. I like art, reading, music and jokin around with my friends. - and i'm really bad at these types of site... things. (like neopets)


k like i don't know y we can't play games & stuff 2 get gold, and not by just fishing, and searchin the site and ramdomingly waitin 4 it to happen, i mean come on! can't we play games and stuff 4 gold(besides the slots) cuz that'l make this site more fun. - or maybe u can, and i'm just like 2 dumb 2 like know... hopefully not! so like, ya. & by the way, lookin at me username and my avatar, u might think i'm like a girly person but i'm not really. well i am a little, but i like sports and stuff, i'm just normal- actually cross NORMAL just um.. well, my mummy says i'm special in my own lil way, lol. but don't worry, i'm not girly, nor a tomboy, i'm like a mix so like ya, so that's all 4 now, BAI! (p.s. i say: like, like way... 2 much, i'm sure u've noticed, - but that doesn't mean i'm girly! so don't think that! like ya.
another p.s i know my avatar is wearin a like rag dress right now, but that's just cuz i'm so... poor! anywho the point is, well, call me wreid but i like the dress! (mostly the color)

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