Do you know that episode of Drake&Josh where Meagan dyes Drake's hands and feet green to make him think he has Dermatumeculitos? Well. I dreamed that I woke up and I was at my grandma's (where I am now) and I went to go home and there were police cars at the front of the street. They told me if I went in, I couldn't go out, because the street was infected with Dermatumeculitos, which in my dream was an awful disease that you had a ninety-nine point nine percent chance of dying from if you caught it. So I army-crawled up this snow bank and into a secret room where there was a couch and a television. And other things happened, but anyways. For some reason, Deanna Tedeschi lived on my street, and Caity and Dillon and John had slept over, so they were there, so I went and sat with them, and we were all like, wicked scared. And I was like, "We have a point one percent chance to live if we catch it. We just can't catch it." And we went to the library, but we had to run away and we were freaking out because the ventelation ducts carried the disease from an upstairs floor where an infected kid was. I think I had the disease, because I was feeling a little sick, but I woke up before I knew for sure.
Isn't that odd?
Oh, and I'm not not tagging all of you because I hate you. Or labeling... Or whatever. I just think it's gay that you can't make the avatar you want to use, so I refuse to do it.
Audra Connolly · Fri Jun 13, 2008 @ 03:37pm · 0 Comments |