Lately....I've been having these really really overly crummy days...even by my I've been submerging myself into Gaia and MapleStory....and not getting out of it....
I move out of my house on friday...I start new classes on Monday...
and still..something doesn't feel right...
Like part of my heart's been wrenched and tied into a knot that won't come loose....
Shiro: Babe~ I miss you..and I'm sorry I haven't been able to say a single thing to you lately <3 I love you though...and I know you know that <33 Just...know that I'm thinking of you all the time...and when things get rough...I always pull out because I think of you.
Sei: Thank you for being there for really means a lot~ I just can't put words on it..but you're one of the best friends I've made in a good long while ^^; I just hope we can stay that way~ and hopefully things'll work out for you in the end~ just don't get too frustrated with yourself...and don't loose yourself underneath all the masks..because you truly are an amazing person
jenna_chan2 · Wed Aug 17, 2005 @ 05:14am · 1 Comments |