" Well only one sodding day in Ribcage and we get dragged into its seedy politics! We went to a place known as Set's Rest a fairly cheap inn, for 1 gold peice a night! Not a bad deal. Well the Bird Whisperer and Markus got into a tumble AGAIN, this time a drunken Agni was the cause, what with not holding her liquor! Well A minor fight broke out this evening so things were settled by myself and Cyrus, Along with the intervention of some green abashai. Well the night wound down after that, and eventually The Bird Whisperer and Verdak had to share a room. Now as much as I like the Bird Whisperer, I felt sorry for the silent gith. Well that night.......someone tried to assasinate Verdak, and failed thanks to the Bird Whisperer, and Verdak. His assalante accidently targetted the wrong Githzerai! We currently have her locked away in the Closet at Set's Rest we speak to her whenever we need information about goings on and such. I feel as though she may have information to help us out. In the Morning Parac's Elite guard came to speak with us, about screams heard that night. So we went to Lord Parac's estate. Apparently some family wants him dead, or out of power. Merely because he wants to brick up the gate to Baator (or at least thats what he's playing at to see who support him!) Well for 120 platinum coins each, we are to investigate and put down the rebeleous house who wants to over throw Paracs. The Houses are: The Marvilis's who mint out coins (with the Gate to Baator closed, no trade with fiends for valuble metals), The Bejindar's who create weapons (Loss of Profit from the blood war), the Enkers who are adept in magic (Spell keys?), and the Trivir's who are exploreers and cartographers (Exploration of Baator). Well Apparently the Trivir's have no problem with Paracs. Cyrus learned this after playing a wonderful game of Croche with them, and the Bejinder's are unknown. Nyreka checked out there weapons depot, and there children who run it know NOTHING of what there family does, the poor kids are kept in the dark about family doings, only given orders. Apparently the Bejinder's house was around in Dark Spine. BEFORE it went to Baator. Anyway Markus is off at the Marvilis's estate. Apparently the Marvilis's current leader is racist against non-humans....hmmmm perhaps with Paracs' tiefling blood in him, the Marvilis's may want him out of power and in the dead book. Of course I suppose the Enkers are not free yet. Who knows what that family of mages is upto. Either way I get the feeling that a large sum of blood will be on our hands when all is said and done. However the question is WHOSE blood? I fear that innocent blood may stain our hands in this city"
Azalin · Mon Aug 15, 2005 @ 07:20am · 1 Comments |