the best pet ever? COMMENT!!!! i think rats are nice pets. low matince. cuddlyplayful. dont bite. good for children because rats love being malled. [really] hamsters have small brains. therefor making them stupid and they bite to much. bunnys are idiots to [sorry newmoon [[my bunny]]] cats are cool but they are to dam lazy. dogs smell bad gonk and ferrets are nice but they requrie alot of attetion. birds are very cool but they s**t to much. snaks!!! no they are so freaking awsome!!!! but people buy them thinking that they can take care of them but they are to much work. fish are boring. pigs [aka house hippos] are so ugly burning_eyes . pot belly pigs are nice tho. lizards? well not nice to hold but if you show them love they love you back, witch is a prime factor in a animal. now if u can think of anyother pets yo like ill post a new blog todecide the winner of THE BEST PET EVER CONTEST!!!!!!! email me pics of ur pets cutie moments and the best will be in a video!!!!! yay!!!! i luv animals. do u???
Miss NomNom Community Member |