I've been thinking lately how it might be cool to be a live-in servant. Of course a pampered one [XD]. Ok, so maybe that's closer along the lines of being a pet, but I'm going to call it a servant so bah! Anywho, just think of the cute uniforms. Definately not something I could wear to work now... well, maybe, they are pretty lax like that but I'd rather not push it.
Did a quick clean up on the lines. No highlighter this time (though left original at work incase I had a hankering to color it). I'm definately liking the yellow lines sticky paper versus the pink I was using before. Why can't they just have white paper though? I guess I could bring my own in, but then I wouldn't have the suppy raiding reasons for leaving my desk lol. I kind of mixed up so old techniques (if you could even call them that O.o) with things I've been focusing on more lately. Didn't bother sketching out the body first, just started with the eyes and worked my way down, making sure to add nose and mouth.
McKenzie · Wed Nov 03, 2004 @ 05:22am · 0 Comments |