Planar Personalities part 4 |
As all things must my Planar Personalities sections are coming to an end... However these last three are strikingly different then the first three.
Vorkin Thunderhoof/Bariur/Male/ Neutral Good/ Priest of Gond the wonderbringer/ Society of Sensation. B
Str:14 Dex:16 Con:16 Int:17 Wis: 17 Chr: 14
Vorkin stands in at 7'7" inches and weighs 734 pounds. He has a basic male bariur body, human chest, torso, facem and arms and small curved ram horns on his head, and the four legged body of a goat below. His fur is a soft ash gray color which he lets grow out to a short length, so as to show off his tattos. He bears a tatto of Gond ( a large golden cog) on his left hind leg, along with the factions symbol on his right hind leg. He has raven black hair that he lets flow down to his neck, when it grows past that, he cuts his hair.He wears studded leather barding and carries a footmans flail, and a heavy crossbow across his back. He carries in a few satchels many books on architecture, engineering, locksmithing and weaponsmithing. His most dangerous object is the set of bag pipes he has, he loves there sound and few others appreciate them. He is commonly seen wearing a dark green vest with the symbol of gond stitched on it, and at all times has a series of lock picks. He carries a few jars of ink (various colors too) and many quills plus about 10 pounds of blank paper, always scribbling new ideas down. He has a bit of a wild spark in his big brown eyes, The spark of an excited child who has just discovered something new...
Society Of Sensation: To truly know the universe one must feel it, embrace it upon all levels, indulge into it with taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. That is how one truly lives. There are so many experiences to experience in life, embrace all of them.
" Well what is it you wished to know? Oh about me? I see.... Well normally I do not spout out my life story to just any sod I see, but as a fellow sensate I suppose I can allow for it, besides I've never told my life story before so what the hell. Well You know my name, I was born in Tradegate, gate town to Elysium. As far as a Bariur's childhood, mine was oddly.....tranquil oh sure most of my kind run about the upper planes in herds, but my parents they were an armorer, my father and a midwife my mother. I have two younger sisters back there too, but thats neither here nor now. I see that my gear caught your attention. Ya see I'm a Gondar, a specialty priest of Gond, the Wonderbringer. You know Gond, he's the god of invention and creation in Toril or Faerun, same place different name. Anyway ever since I was a child I have always been intrested in engineering and how and why things work. Oh sure you can say 'they just do' or 'it just works that way', however a truly intellegent person will ask something 'WHy does it work like THIS', perhaps if I tinker around with my bagpipes I could make them produce a higher note."
"What got me to become a priest of Gond though is a rather amusing tale. It involves a tinkerer, a rogue modron, and a keg of ale. You see this prime tinkerer came out to the planes and saw a rogue modron, well he procedded to ask the creature how it worked. Well it grew later into the night and well the modron fell asleep and the tinkerer begin to try and examine its parts. Well the modron was not too happy. Well that just sparked the kindling of my creativity. So I began asking around if anyone could or would teach me. Well one day an old man, he was a human came in and heard my inqueries. He told me all about Gond the Wonderbringer, and began to teach me of his ways."
"As a young Bariur I was amazed by it. I asked to see his ideas. He had many amazing plans drawn. One was of some iron vehicle that protected the people inside while they could fire off arrows, spells or crossbow bolts. I myself have many plans......none of which I will speak to you of. A genius has to guard his secrets, you know? Now as to how I became a sensate..... Thats an even odder tale. Initially in my youth I wanted to make things that were powerful, and dangerous. Well I drew up the schamatics for a magical catapult that could hover on land or go high into the air. Well the Doomguard wanted me, but.......they are a little too vicious in my book. I figured I should join the Sensates because, well my goal in life is to invent as many different things as possible, and I pray to gond they work. If my faith is pure and Gond agrees I beleive Sigil may see some new creations, if not....... Well then Sigil will see some new Craters! HAHA"
Azalin · Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 03:15am · 3 Comments |