Lately nothing has changed really. I pine away at the days ticking down till the day i exploded forth from my mothers womb. Only about1 day left now, and I will have terrorized the world for 18 years. Yesterday (saturday) I had my Dungeons and Dragons group over. Things worked out well, I mean we screwed around a little bit, but other then that things went smoothly. Matt dropped in yesterday too, he came back from the Marines on friday. Anyway he's here till the 10th of November. Then he goes back and comes back during Christmas. Last night I played D&D with the most perfectly dysfunctional group. a Chaotic good man hating feminist half orc evoker (no duh on the gender). A chaotic Neutral elven thief with wisdom 7 who gets distracted like nobodies business, for example on the spot checks he gets distracted by a single butterfly. Then there Is the Chaotic Evil halfling Barbarian (yes thats right, Chaotic evil, halfling Barbarin)with wisdom 7, once again distracted by insectial flavor text. Then there is my Character a Lawful evil male Human monk, who is a womanizer. Anyway the parety got into inner conflicts once. First Olga (the half orc) bit the dust when I punched her into the ground. Then O'malley (the halfling) took the fall after Vaelin (the elf) took him down with a sap to the back of the freaking head. Then I threaten the elf and call him a ********. He gets me good with his rapier and ******** me up good. Then later Olga says that I am the leader of her Green grey a**, so In response to that I drop my pants and try and show its true, unforunetly I rolled a 1 on a grapple check, so they ended up baddly..... Then later I flashed an entire temple by showing of the bruises in a personal place. Anyway when we aren't trying to kill each other we get along ok to say the least. Anyway I have a halloween party I have to attend to today, so happy Halloween.
Azalin · Sun Oct 31, 2004 @ 07:34pm · 0 Comments |