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My other thoughts about society.

I don't know why I would be talking about this. But, really Society has growned a lot and things had changed.

Most of my friends that I knew since in childhood are now gone, because of departure of this crappy state. Some remain here, but the friends I cherished back then are now cruel and mean. Yeah, it sucks but I can still get along with them.

Remember the past? Where everyone listened to their parents and everyone was polite? Now everyday, there's crimes caused and many problems exist. Why do the people of our gerneration have to be all cruel? Most of them are nice though, but I believe that everyone is good at heart, because things were bad for them to lead up for it. I'm sorry to everyone to the world for having problems.

Each day, everyone gets the feeling that they're sad and lonely. It hurts because, parents now these days are now bad people. And maybe they could be bad because they raised that way, however I don't know really. I don't get all the hype for all these new stereotypes in the world. We shouldn't describe people by what they do or who they are. I know that everyone has to at least be someone that's who they are.

And who knows? Being yourself could lead you to good things.

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