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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
poem: kisses
You are just like
A kiss
Call me crazy
I really don’t care
But in my serious opinion
You are like a kiss

You are like a quick peck
On my cheek
Always a welcome surprise
But never really a surprise
Sending shivers
Tickling senses
Teasing sensations
It is always much too brief
Too fast
Usually replacing a goodbye
Or a hello
Or simply to say
“I miss you”
Just a taste
Of the whole dessert
Just a nibble
Just a bite

You are gentle graze
On my forehead
A reassurance when I am weak
Or when I am vulnerable
Or when I sleep
An innocent affection
And I savor these moments with you
Here In your arms
When I am at peace
I am Warm
Inside and out
Your heartbeat is my lullaby
Pacifying me
Soothing me
Calming me
Until I am under the spell of your words
Melting in your touch
Just a brush
Tender touch

You are a demanding kiss
On my lips
Searching for unspoken answers
Gentle and loving
Yet firm and longing
Feelings run deep and sometimes
I shrink under your touch
But I am not afraid
You give me your faith
Your trust
Your love
Leave them lingering on your lips
I take them
My heart is torn wide open
You read the truth in my eyes
With My hand over your heartbeat
You taste my pain
I taste your love
Two hearts mingle as one
For a stolen moment
A split second

You are like
A kiss
A peck
A brush
Sometimes innocent
And others times demanding
But always
Leaving me breathless

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