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A random story.
It was at a lake, where the sunset appeared. The wind was breezing through us, though it felt warm. I guess it was a really weird moment.

" Hey, Jon. ....Jon? " Jane was exicted to see my reaction when we arrived at the lake. She slaps me and I wake up, stumbling to rub my cheeks to reduce pain.

" Owww.. Oh! This lake is beautiful! "

" See? I told you. This is why I love the lake. It's better than the beach you always go to. "

" Well... I guess so. " Laughing nervously, I'm thinking if this was the right choice or not.

Jane takes my hand and starts walking. " Follow me. I'll show you around the lake. " She smiles brightly at me, and hums to a random song that I have no idea of.

The scent around the lake was smelly, but I didn't mind about it. The water sparkles as we was closer to it. We sit at a huge rock next to the coast of the lake.

" It's pretty.. kinda strange but, I mean it's not boring and dull. " I said with a nod. Jane hugs me tightly and grins. " Good. I didn't take you out here because the lake was a place to be. " Jane looks at me, still grinning.

" What do you mean? " I looked at her confused. " I wanted to spend time with you. " Her brown eyes stared at me.

" Aww, that's adorable.. " I slowly blush and scratch the back of my head due to embarassment. " Really? " I asked her again.

" Of course, silly.. I love you and I don't want you to think less of me. I enjoy it when we're together. " She blushed as well, looking away.

" I-I... see. I don't want you to be seperated from me, it makes me feel lonely. " I begin to think of the negative thoughts of my past. " Lonely? You're not alone, y'know. " She looks at me, smiling again brightly as the sun shines down at her.

" Yeah... " I looked at the sky and looked at her. " Hm? " Jane looks at me confused. " Oh, nothing.. "

" Okay. Well.. close your eyes. " Jane stares at my eyes. " Y-Yeah.. sure. "

She then kisses me, wraping her arms around me. I blushed brightly at this moment, didn't kow what to do, but kiss her back and hold her gently. Letting go, she takes me to a tree and we cuddle when nightfall is out.

" Was.. it good for me to kiss you? " Jane slowly closes her eyes and rests on my shoulder. " Yeah... it was wonderful. " I look at her, noticing that she's sleeping, and slepted slowly.

The thoughts in my head will be a remainder as a weird memory.

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