chapter 1 then and now
"niome wake up" itachi said picking the small girl up. she had white and red hair, and wore a long white kimmono. "i don't want to" niome moaned niome id only 4 years old and since she was adopted by the uchiha family. itachi was training her for something big. every night he would wake her and have her fight. in the day she would sleep and the only people who saw her was itachi and his mother. "this is the last time i will train you" itachi whispered in one of niome's fluffy puppy ears. niome laughed. "okay nii-san" she laughed then hugged itachi tight as he walked out into the darkness. she practiced untill dawn then they returned to the house. everything was silent and cold. niome whined and whimpered to the point where itachi had to wrap her up in his jacket. sasuke waslked out of his room and saw itachi caring niome tenderly in his arms. when he laied her down he went to the kitichen looking for something to eat. sasuke wandered into itachi's room and took a peek at niome. who by this time was soud asleep in itachi's jacket. her ears laied flat on her small round head, and her three long white tails curled around her body and legs. sasuke backed up into itachi. "what are you doing here?" itachi demand. sasuke fell to the ground and began to shake "nothing brother" her wispered then ran out the door niome's ears shook out from under itachi's jacket. she lifted her head and yawned lifting her arms up in the air. itachi smilled then gave her something to eat. niome nibbled at her meal as itachi strocked her red hair. "just three more days and you can come out and play with the other uchiha children" he whispered. as he said this niome's golden eyes became a dull blue. "yes itachi sama" as soon as she fell asleep itachi went back to the kitichen to grab a glass of water. silent footsteps made thier way in his direction. it was niome,
niome_uchiha · Sun Feb 03, 2008 @ 09:24am · 0 Comments |