To start us off, some normal, uncontroversial questions.
1. What is your REAL name - Rebecca
2. Where are you from? - New York,Originally...
3. Do you like where you live? - When I live in PA,No.But NY is <3
4. What is your family like? - My parents are divorced,My mother is getting remarried...
5. How old are you?- 17
6. Religious?- when I Want to be
7. Political standing? - ...Bleh
Hm, sex questions anyone?
8. Virgin? - Yes
9. What’s your sexual orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi.)? - Straight
10. Masturbate? WHOA. - No
11. Girlfriend, boyfriend, engaged, married, or single? - Single
12. What do you like? What turns you on? - ...I'm not completely sure..
13. What grosses you out? What turns you off, sexually speaking? - Body Hair.
Random questions.
14. What do you want to be when you grow up/what is your dream profession? - Photographer
15. Are you a confident person? - No
16. Morning Person or Night Owl? - Night Owl
17. Do you like being at social places? ( Parties and such) - No
18. Do you like the Gilmore girls? - No
19. If you are a girl, Do you like skirts or jeans? And if you’re a Guy, Skirts or jeans? - Jeans
20. If your best friend for some reason needed you to embarrass yourself, to save him/her from embarrassment, would you do it? - Depends on the person
21. Do you play sports? - No
22. Tell me about your life, till now. - ...No
23. Who are you, as an individual person. - Whut?
24. Do you want to get married? - =/ I don't know.I don't want it to turn out like my parent's marriage....
25. Where will you go (If you haven’t already) when you move out of your parent’s house? -.....New york..
26. Want to go to college? - Only Photography college.
27. Kids? - Possibly..
28. If you want kids, how many? - IDK
29. What do you day dream about? - ......I don't
30. Are you brave? - Not really
31. Would you get a tattoo? - No
32. If you would get a tattoo, what would it be of? - ....
33. Do you like baked beans? - No
34. Do you have an online GF/BF? - No
35. Have you ever been reported on Gaia? If so, what for? - No
36. Do you have a fetish? - Not That I know of...
37. Have you ever been arrested? - No
38. How do you disappear? - You go invisible?
39. Have you ever been drunk? - No
40. Have you ever been high? - Yes.Off Sharpies!8D But off drugs,No.
41. Do you know what “4:20” means? - No
42. Did you believe it when Steve Erwin was died? - Yes,and i really didn't care.
43. Has anyone close to you died? Who? - Nope
44. As far as personality goes, what is attractive in a guy/girl - .....D:<
45. Are trannys hot, gross, bizarre, or “whatever” (If you don’t know what that means, post “ding”) - Ding
46. What, in your heart of hearts, scares you more than anything? - Thunder,Horror movies...
47. What is your favorite book? Song? Movie? - Book- Twilight.Vampires,FTW.
48. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever said or done? - ....
49. Do you have a confession to make? - Oh yes
50. Is your family dysfunctional? - ...
51. Do you get made fun of for your style/looks? - Yes
52. Cookies? - Mmmhm.
53. Have you ever yelled/screamed about or directly to a teacher? - Yes
54. If you could have anything, what would it be? Money? Fame? A hot bod? A pet cobra? - For my parents not to be divorced,and happy together...
55. Sky diving or bungee jumping? - NO
56. If you could do anything, what would it be? - ....
57. If you could be anywhere where would want to be? - New York,Or japan
58. Omg, porn? - Sasuke Pronz?XD
59. Are you a people person? - No
60. have you ever directly called someone ugly? - Yes
61. what’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said? - ....
62. Do you have sympathy for the guy who did the Virginia-tech shooting? -No,Honestly,I didn't give a s**t about who died.
63. Do you think dinosaurs existed? Or at least, what modern science has made them appear to have been like? - Sure?.
64. Do you get angry, really easily? - Yes
65. Have you ever tried to “sneak a peek”? - ......?
66. Don’t you hate those really corny mattress/furniture store commercials? - Yes
67. Are you happy in life? - ...=/ Meh.My friends keep me happy.
69. Delusions comfy enough? - ..
70. Where are you going? (Vague, I know.) - ...Whut?
71. When you’re alone, what do you do? - Stay on my computer...
72. Are you closer to your mom, or dad? - Dad
73. Are you into anything that is honestly, kind of lame? - Yes
74. What annoys you more than anything. - ...Boys who think any girl that are not sticks are ugly.
75. What makes you so happy you could hug your math teacher? - Ew, I wouldn't hug my math teacher...
77. Do you creep your family/friends/neighbors out on a regular basis? - Yesh
78. Have you ever wished someone would die? - Yeah...
79. Do you cry a lot? - Yes
80. If you had a garden what would it be filled with? Flowers? Bushes? Beautiful fountains? Weeds? - Tomatoes
81. Behave. - ....?
82. Do you ever “make music videos” in your head? ( If you don’t know what the heck that means, post “Hairy Plotter has a maniacal of brilliance!” - .....?
83. Have you ever been guilty of labeling people based on how they look? - Not really
84. Do you talk to yourself? - Yes
85. Have you ever made a pass at your blender? Or maybe your toaster? - Whut?
86. Are you nervous? - Yes
87. Are you patriotic? - No
88. Are you comfortable talking to people you’ve just met? - No
89. Have you thought of suicide as a means of getting people to care about you? - ...Y-yes...
90. Bondage? - No.
91. Are you constantly checking your reflection and pulling at your clothes?- Pulling at my clothes..
92. Have you ever been unnecessarily mean to a little kid? Like, they were bothering you and you yelled, or were to rough and overreacted? - Yes
93. Could you ever get angry enough to kill? - Yes
94. What is your deepest, darkest, secret? - I wouldn't be a secret if I told ya. razz
95. Are you worried about the future? - Yes
96. Have you ever had your heart broken? - Yes
97. Have you ever had your heart mended? - No
98. Have you ever felt so wonderful, you felt you could fly of a cliff, and live? - No
99. Have you enjoyed this quiz, as far as quizzes go? - No
100. A quote you want to be remembered by. (Something you say a lot, or that you believe - .....Whut?
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