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It's Happi Time!!!

Community Member
Douche Bags and Umbrellas
Yeah, well this guy named Edward, mentioned in a previous journal entry, seems to take pleasure in annoying me. He calls me a lesbo and says I'm dating this guy I CLEARLY HAVE NO ATTRACTION TO WHATSOEVER. Said guy is very clingy, it gets annoying. Personal space much? But whatever.

Well, today he started the usual banter.

Except today, I was armed with an umbrella.

I freaking amazed myself at how much I managed to scare him. I gave him a nice whack which actually made him fall to the ground. I even dented the umbrella.

Then, because I suck, I got into a coughing fit. After chasing him around the school, my lungs decided to go OTL (out to lunch).

People congratulated me. People told me that what I did was profoundly stupid. My friend yelled at me for denting her umbrella.

I felt many different emotions.

I was


at how much pain I had caused the boy writhing on the dirty tile floor.


because he was in such immense pain and I caused it. ME. Oh the great satisfaction of a job well done


not because I had hurt Edward, but I had dented Justina's umbrella. Her mom will get severely pissed.

Well, anyways. That is all.

Happi-Happi Signing out.

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