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It's Happi Time!!!

Community Member
Edward, Edward, Edward o__O;;;
Well, it seems that a bunch of Edwards have popped up in my life.

In the books Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse (ILU STEPHANIE MYERS whee ) the main male protagonist (in simpler words, the main male hero) is named Edward. If he was real and I met him I would tackle him right on the spot and smother him with love. heart


If Bella (the herione) wasn't around, of course. sweatdrop

I just recently got obsessed with Edward from the movie Edward Scissorhands. I love him too, so sweet and innocent. heart

One of my fave bands, Son of Dork, has a song called "Eddie's Song"

There's Edward Elric from FMA. I just love all the faces he pulls in volume 1 xd

And last, and definitely least. There's this guy in school named Edward who's single goal in life is to make mine a living hell. gonk

And there's also Edmund the shop keeper on here. His name is waaaay too similar.

So many Edwards eek So weird...

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