heart ~ LuNa LoVeGoOd'S qUoTeS~ heart
1) You're not going mad - I see them too.
2)You're just as sane as I am.
3)My possessions are mysteriously disappearing.
4)I suspect Narguls are behind it.
5)It's a charm actually, keeps the Narguls away.
6)They're Pestrals, they can only be seen by those who have seen death.
7)If I was you-know-who, I would want you to feel alone, that way, you're not much of a threat.
cool Oh, it's all good fun.
9) My mum said that if you lose something, it always finds it's way back to you in the end, but always in the way we first imagine.
10) Hungry....I hope their's pudding.
Dreaming In Donuts Community Member |