Da Mall
so..me, tada, dar and sushi went to da mall. we walked around blah blah blah. den me and dar bought cinnomin buns..yes i know i cant spell it..anyhoo! i cant eat ut unless i have milk so i bought some milk. and then i was all like "y does it taste funny?" sushi looks at the best before date and its like...oct 15 xd lolz and our entire convo was about how we'll all kill eachother..yes.me and my friends r very weird. lolz. we went and lookeed at all the nice stuff..me and dar tried some stuff on. i fell in love with this cute skirt and she fell in love wid this blue dress lolz. then i got stuck in a dress xp then!!! sushi was eating something and i started treatening her tellin her im gonna kill her and stuff and she burst out laughing and her food went all on dar! lmfao! lets c wut else happened? oh! i found this nice shirt and when tried it on i realized the price...which was like $80..so ya..that was my funny day at the mall ^_^
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