Dear Journal... Mood: Highper/tired This is what is on my mind: *sigh* i didnt get what i wanted for christmas. I still want an ipod, converses, new cellphone, msi dvd, ect...i was dissapointed. Oh well. I complain too much. I really need to shutup sometimes. I say too many negative things about myself. There I go again! sigh... I have a stuffed animal pegasus but it doesnt have a horn. I taped a paper horn on it but AJ bited it off. OJ threw up on my warm baby blanket. my pants got soaking wet in the rain. I also have a potato in my ear. Actually my mom calls it a zist where my peircing is. Its probebly from me not cleaning it very often. I call it my potato, I'm thinking of a name for him too. How about Poyt the potato? No... thats not good. I think his name will just be potato. Well the potato is about the size of a small black eyed pea in my ear lobe. If you wanna poke it just tell me, cuz it feels really weird. My mom will kill me if she knows I'm up. Good Night
The Red Haired Fiend · Thu Dec 27, 2007 @ 05:21am · 1 Comments |