Period cramps suuuuuck. D': I started me period today, and my cramps are like, "Bldehkdgjladufoskf." Just awful. I was craving Burger King, so when my mum asked what I wanted to eat, I pretty much screamed, "BURKERKINGBITCH." Lol. So yeah. Pat opened one of his three gifts earlier today. It was "A Knights Tale" with Heath Ledger. He adores that movie, and thankfully, he didn't buy it yet. :] I saw it, and I heard that music that they have in the cartoons, you know, the angel music? Yeah. That's what I heard. It was em-azing. Pat wants me to come over later tonight to meet all his lil' nieces and nephews. I helped him pick out shirts for them for Christmas last night. It was hard keeping all five of their sizes in order. Being organized with little kids is encoded in a woman's DNA. :] Owww! Crammpsss!! ;_; I get random lil' spazzum's of them. I really need to get on Birth Control to help my cramps and super heavy bleeding. I'm only fifteen, and I have a "heavy" flow. That's the same kind my mum has! I bleed heavy for like, eight days straight, then stop within two days after it slows down. ******** ten days out of the month of bleeding. But if I get on the Pill, I will only bleed for about four-five days with a lovely light flow. Plus, it has all these nifty lil' pluses with it to help prevent:
- pregnancy - acne - cancer of the lining of the uterus - cancer of the ovaries - ectopic pregnancy - excess body hair - iron deficiency anemia that can result from heavy menses - noncancerous breast growths - osteoporosis - ovarian cysts - premenstrual symptoms, as well as related headaches and depression - vaginal dryness and painful intercourse related to menopause
So I'm excited for that. After I finish my period, I need to have my mum make an appointment. x] Uhm. Yea. I really don't have much to say. I'm really cold right now, though. That's the thing, I get cold really easily. And I get really bitchy, moody, and clingy to Pat. I'm so happy I have him in my life. Honestly, love him more than anything. He never made me "promise" myself to him. He gave me the option of me going out with him, of me kissing him, of us getting married in the future, of how many kids we're going to have... He's leaving all that up to me to decide. I know exactly what I want in our future life. We're getting married in 2014, and I want to have two kids; a boy first, and a girl second. Or two boys for twins. I'm so excited. <3 Pat's the best guy in the world. He's the best thing to ever happened to me.
CaRto0nz · Thu Dec 20, 2007 @ 09:00pm · 1 Comments |