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It's Happi Time!!!

Community Member
I update on my life (I'm just doing this for gold 8D)
I've come a looooong way since I joined.

As you nay have noticed, I have a monthly collectible. This wonderful girl, Shizumi J Honda, donated it to me.

I am now a crew member in The Led to Reality roleplaying guild. I am also an official member of Gino's Harem :3

As for my actual life, it's going surprisingly well. I've got good grades, Awesome friends (On Gaia and in real life), a caring family, and a roof over my head (an ugly roof, but a roof none the less) and INTERNET ACCESS 8D. Lol.

I wish you all a happi Thanksgiving!

Yours till the turkey gobbles,

Happi Happi 3nodding

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