Well today was my game. I was taken by surprise, my friend Stevil, apparently was assulted tuesday. A black guy, a mexican guy, and a white guy circled around where he works. One shouted "Hey thats the guy whose been talking s**t" Now Stevil never talks s**t. Now he does give everyone a medium tme once and a while, but other then that. He always says it to his friends. Well they circled about him in there truck. WHile he was waiting for his dad to pick him up. The black guy jumped out and just punched him RIGHT IN THE JAW. Requiring 21 stitches!! Why? Apparently these guys are filming it. Stevil isn't very big either. He stands but 6'0" ( I think maybe an inch or two) And he is skeletal, He hasn't had ANY food for the past 3 days, save for the french fries I cooked up for myself (well I had intended to eat them for myself for my breakfast, but I shared them with him). I am so pissed off because there filming it for there entertainment! I have a feeling my hand of justice will soon find itself FIRMLY attached to there throats. Or perhaps it will be crashing into there Skull for every stitch they left on there victims (so far 3). I desire to plan an ambush and hunt them down and gather a few of my comrades to set up an ambush for them. At which point the fury of my justice shall be unleashed.
Azalin · Sun Jun 12, 2005 @ 08:22am · 5 Comments |