wednesday is my last official day of school. whoopie! thrusday... nah. going first period and thats like... it...
anyway... i'm stuck in Serenade of the stars... this is how it last went.
"... ... what... the hell... is THAT?!?!" Carrie jabbed a finger violently towards the small baby sara was rocking in her arms. "Its a baby carrie... you know. new life from a woman's womb? didn't you learn anything in school?" Mimi leaned over her captains shoulder. "i did drop out in 11th grade... but no. they never taught us that... i did live in that back water colony... so the teaching laws mean nothing..." "... i saved him." Sara whispered, watching the baby fall asleep. "From koya... when we had to evacuate... i saw him lying there... he almost got trampled... then the doors started to shut.. and i grabbed him..." "you risked your life... FOR A DAMN BABY?!? Why not just find some guy, fall in love and just have a baby with him? You risked your damn life for someone else's ba--" carrie started "I CAN'T HAVE A BABY!!" sara covered its ears as she yelled, stopping carrie. "i'm steril..." she looked down to it, and rubbed her nose against his head. he giggled and tried to grab it as she sniffed. "the doctor... explained... about my period... how its only once a couple months... it means i can't have a child... so... this was my chance carrie... to have one..."
LabTech118 · Wed Jun 08, 2005 @ 03:50am · 1 Comments |