an exerpt (sp) of Serenade of the stars.
"oh god..." Carrie looked up in horror. "that can't be what i think it is..." She grabbed the ends of the arm rests on her seat and leaned foward, asking frantically. "Mimi! Didn't the Government ban the construction of that thing?!" "I thought they did..." Mimi looked and typed wildly on her desk, trying to find ANYTHING about it. "I think i know who kept building it..." "We don't even need to guess. Theres her ship... Shera's been building that damn thing!" Kroza pointed to the sleek black ship against the back of the large cylinder that floated in space. around that end, was what used to be a moon. This, was the Moon Cannon. Something at one point had torn out a gaint hole through it... it looked like a doughnut. The government tested and saw that the moon's energy feild was still intact, and decided to start a project known as the Moon Cannon. It would protect the system and could be used if wars broke out. the only trouble was that everyone wanted in... So it was banned and the project sat lifeless and baren in space. no one really noticed as it was slowly continued to be built. "Then we gotta stop her. If shes going to do what i think... So many more people will die..." Carrie sat back and sighed. "Shes managed, on her own to take out atleast three or four colonies... Just by herself. imagine what she'll do with this!" "Well... Captain... shall we?" Sara looked back and smirked. she cracked her fingers as she turned to face Carrie. "I'm ready." Carrie looked at her for a second, then remembered that Sara used to be a Junker. she could take ANYTHING apart. if there was a bomb wired to a radio... she could steal the radio without anything going off. shes removed the hard drive from old computers with just the back being open... and those old hard drives were jammed in there pretty well. This cannon would be a peice of Metaslica bread.... sence pies arn't made anymore. "Lets." Carrie pulled out her guns and spun them around. then she smilied and put them back into their holisters. "Shera... ready or not. here we come."
LabTech118 · Wed Jun 01, 2005 @ 09:32pm · 0 Comments |