I have to present a project for English.
Completely made up of poems.
And the poems aren't really that great, since I had to write them.
Things come out better when they're just spontaneous (does that make sense to anyone but me?).
Also, I hate when people talk about you behind your back and don't even know you.
It's getting really tiresome.
If I don't say you know me, you can be sure you don't. =]
No matter what you think.
So if you aren't sure about what you're saying, do me a favor and don't say it.
When someone says you're annoying and you've never hung out with them other than by force in your life, for example.
Hint, hint?
No, not really. No one on Gaia is going to have any clue what I'm talking about, except Deanna L because I was bitching to her about it in gym.
I'm really thirsty and I have no money to get a drink.
Audra Connolly · Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 07:59pm · 1 Comments |