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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
Busting Missions, Shittin' Jelly and A Brand New Best Friend
Busting missions (verb): What Monica does during her weekends. In normal people english, this means driving around for no reason and wasting gas.

Shitting Jelly (verb): What I heard Torres say in the supply room today. What did she really say? "This is my jellies"

A Brand New "Best Friend" (noun): .... xd xd xd

Dear Readers,

I hope you read the little excerpt above!! LOL. Yeah, I do have a weird sense for journal titles but you know, this IS me. LOL. What's new with my life? A lot of course.

First of all, I'm sore all over from the triple whammy: physical training, drill team practice and the 4 flights of stairs to geometry. My legs are sore and so are my arms. My stomach's cramping up but it will get better soon. At least I didn't have to run so much.

Ja9teen finally busts into one of my journals with a BANG!! Her friendly "relations" with her French partner/platoon commander is getting in the way of her studies. NOT!! J's always focused (of course) and so her new romance hasn't fazed her grades at all. In my opinion, he's not entirely too bad. His face IS a bit emotionless and stoic at times.

EleanorK told me the dl about Kimerald and her smartie suitor. Sadly, he's been rejected...OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Although he's now seeking friendship, I think a better phrase to describe the situation is "Tough luck". All my support to the two of them. May she find a guy to love and may he find a girl who won't completely hate him.

Speaking of romantic relations, I have a few of my own. LOL. So, here's the question: what's the most typical thing for the new girl on campus to do when she's surrounded by upperclassmen all day?

Crush on one of course!! So what is he's older? It's not like it's something serious anyways. Well, my "best friend" blaugh is pretty cool when I go to know him. He's the -- and I was a little (ok, ok. A LOT) intimidated by him. But then we started messing around and he turned our to be pretty cool. Well, that's that!! I'm not letting myself trip at over it. I mean, it's just a CRUSH, right?

Speaking of crushed, I was almost crushed to death earlier. You see, the XO, CO, Ortega and I were in the supply room getting jackets. This is what happened:


The CO walks past me and trip forward. His hand slammed against the cabinet about 1 1/2 inches from my face with at SLAAAAAM!!! Omfg, I literally fell backward into another cabinet. Sure, we were all cracking up like crazy but it was actually really scary. Like, my life flashed before my eyes.

Man, we had soooo much fun. Too bad we can't be like that ALL the time. Anywayz, i hope that you guys have a fun few days of school because come the weekend...


User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 12:37am

mhmm.... i suppose this covers for a regular comment for now.. but anyways... i dont have much to say now, but i wanna call ya soon, but i dont have time... soon though..hehe
tomorrow, i have to do a 5K , it sucks and everything but wish me luck...

btw, to ease your aches and pains, use ICY HOT, it really works ^^

sooo what's your CO's name, oh and also,
if you know a CO named Crystal Kha, she's my friend lol

Have fun, miss ya tons

User Comments: [1]
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