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Greek Mythology Party
Today was the Mythology party.
I dressed up like Psyche. Ero's wife. Needless to say, Eros paid more attention to Aphrodite (Who just so happens to be his mother.) Than he did to his own WIFE. Granted that that's cool. He didn't speak to me at ALL. He asked if I wanted a mint that he had someone ELSE get FOR him and two other people. I just said, right snotty I might add, "No thanks. I can get one myself thanks." Melissa said he acted offended by that...Well, that's what you get when you don't ******** talk to someone. He also talked to me to say goodbye and he was being a d**k to Ashley. He asked e
But I wasn't talked to by ANYONE. Some random chick made comments to be while sitting by me. Comments such as "This stuff is gross...This food is making me sick..." Don't eat it then. Melly asked if I was okay. What am I supposed to say? "No, no one is talking to me. I want to go home?" No, that wouldn't work. So, I just said no and looked back t the movie Troy. Ashley took pictures of her and Melly together. She took one of me. Some of Jamey and some of Tucci. Some WITH Tucci, who looked rather creepy today.
I can't deal with Tucci well. She gets too into your face and that bothers me. I don't deal with literally "INSANE AUTHORITY" all that well.
I am probably going to DROP Psych. 1 & 2. Seriously, her class has been stressing me out, causing me to freak out. I'm not kidding you...Probably sounds nuts, but...I don't like her. She's a walking time bomb and a teacher who hits her students no matter HOW or WHAT she hits them with...it's just wrong.
Someone tell me what's wrong with me...please...

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  • User Comments: [2]
    xX Your Nymphetamine Xx
    Community Member

    Fri May 20, 2005 @ 12:56pm

    There's nothing wrong with you hun. Just the assholes around you. You should get away from those assholes...you know...it might stink after a little while, I would think.

    Community Member

    Sat May 21, 2005 @ 01:08am

    Maybe...but I really feel that the problem isn't them, I feel like its me. I just needs to finde something that works for me...

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