I'm sorry I lost all the words on my tongue, they slipped to the floor, and I could not find them again.... It was an unfortunate loss of my thoughts, but I'll be ok without them. I'm scribbling these words now, not to tell you about myself, but to describe to you the happening of nowhere, neverwhere, neverender. It's not a story i wish to share, but a constant stream of letters and words and sentences and paragrphes and pages and so on and on and off and on and around we spin, around, around, and around until we fall down and just can't stnad up anymore, so we lay on the rock-heard sky and stare down at the cotten-cloud soft ground... and we were not falling, now or ever, but check back in a few seconds or minutes or hours or days or months or--
Years pass. I haven't seen you since the clocks stop and the sky went dark when the moon parted company with the earth and the sun was to feeble to brighten much else than the day. How've you been? How's your life and the places it takes you and the poeple you love and the poeple you hate and the poeple you never saw or knew and the days that pass by while you're thinking of ifwhenwhyogodwhyhowhowcouldithavehappenedifonlyifonlywhywhywhywhy?
You've been good? That's good to hear... I suppose I'm happy for you.
But... I'm not sure of why you left, we all missed you quite sorely untill we forgot, and we got sick of waiting and wasting the days and wasting away and we thought you were nevereververver coming back... and we were sad untill we forgot how to feel that way and after that we were jsut dissapointed taht you were missing on the great fun-- by fun of course I mean the sleepless nights, the tired days, all in darkness, but it was all fine for us, we could hande everything that the turn of events could through at us... at least until the time started leaping... that had us all rattled up quite a bit, so I hope that wherever you were, you were fine. But,if I may ask, where did you go? I'm sure I mentioned that we all missed you quite a lot. But I suppose you could opt not to tell me, that's fine, to each his own, but I missed you quite badly... but it's fine, as long as you've returned whole and healthy and... and happy... and... and all the rest... But I must say... ImissedyousomuchandIneverforgotyouandthoughyouculdhavebeenfoundIwasscaredtolookeventhoughIjustwantedtotalktoyoutotalktoyou
Sorry about that, I lapsed for a moment but I'm fine now, just fine, I'm great grand amazing in fact.
And all I can do is hope that you're the same.
Cheza Calanthe Community Member |
Community Member