So...I'm moving out of my dorm completely today....its been a trip in this place...but I am going to miss it regardless ^^; Last night I couldn't stop crying because I honestly felt so lonely after my love logged I sat around and cried for a while, tinkering with the phone and wondering if I should be so rude as to call my mother at two in the morning. I thought better and just cried myself to sleep instead ^^; I'm on a temporary hiatus ^^; I'm not sure when I'll be back or anything....because apparently at home they're having issues....feel free to leave me PM's and things ;-; because I'd like that <3 and I hope things go well for everyone and what not......
And as for you, my dear....I miss you so much just won't feel right not waking up for your g'morning messages....and the nights won't be the same without you telling me sweet dreams....but I'll struggle on through...and hope you do the same....just remember that I love you <3
jenna_chan2 · Wed May 11, 2005 @ 02:38pm · 0 Comments |