:sniff: I have no internet... its horrible!!!! crying crying crying crying Im on right now b/c I'm at a friends house. I don't want to be rude so I'll just get off this journal.... Oh!!! And I want to see who can figure out this riddle. twisted Ok, here it is: You cook the inside and throw away the outside. Then you eat the outide and throw away the inside. What am I? I'll give you a hint when you guess 5 times. Ttfn!!! Good luck!!! and PM me what you think the answer is and I'll reply. ^^ Ttfn! biggrin
THE RANDOM WORD OF THE DAY IS...................: ................................ sea. :triumphant music: Come back tomorrow for the word!!! ^^
Okie Dokie now listen up!!! All I need are two more guesses and I'll give ya'll a hint. twisted If I get two more guesses after that, I'll give you the last hint, ok? biggrin So, Good luck!!!
The random word will be in another journal. ^.~ Ttfn!!! ^-^
Lil_anime fan 1 · Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 04:32am · 4 Comments |