HE killed the queen after the event and we cant call home again cuase your mom left.Is this fair of u to judge us all. Why cant we call why cant we call?
IS it to late to tell you that im sorry for what ive done to you and you and her and the queen of it all
New to the program and it all.It wasnt my fualt that he called the police on you all.Oh why do we even try to communicate with the whole world why did he make an effort for us all why didnt you take the blame and--
And now that you are home and we still roam the streets our feet are cold and we look like emty stones as we stand still .Farmer man said he could run the mill ...... but we all know he'll just f*^& it up again
ha ha ha son · Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:21am · 0 Comments |