I've been in school for the past few days and it's weird! I'm all of a sudden one of those ppl in the class that's always answering questions and makes everyone laugh...I was talkin to a few friends of mine and I was talkin about how i plaed DDR at my boy Yugi's how and his little sister whooped me several times! Then I said If I had the game for a week I'd be dancin all the time. then I got up in front of the class and started dancing like I was play DDR in hyper speed. I even got the teacher laughin at me! It was crazy! I know this is off the subjectbut I got the tightest teaches ever! They let us do just about everything! My first period teacher, Ms. Shearer, she let's us cuss and use cell phone and such! and then my laughing teacher, Ms. Crumbly, is the bomb! I got her for about an hour and a half! We do no work in hr class!...im gonna go cause this is takin up too much of my time!
[ ][ -Concrete-Puma-][ ] · Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |