Now, you may think that I may like the color green due to the theme of this delightful journal being such. I hate green. Get off of my case. (Please. You're suffocating the poor thing.)
Why the title? BECAUSE GAIA HATES ME, DARN IT! Evidence in favor of this prospect:
1. Probably most important, the games:
a. I cannot play Jigsaw.
i. I am booted off the server in the middle of a puzzle. ALWAYS.
ii. I cannot save my puzzles, for the screen freezes when I click the little button labled "Save"
iii. Jigsaw hates me. Fact.
b. I cannot play Slots.
i. It boots me off. The whole server thing really, really sucks.
c. I cannot play Cards.
i. See Slots.
d. I cannot Fish.
i. I can fish, to a degree. I just can't save what I catch, making it pointless.
e. I cannot play Word Bump, anymore.
i. It used to be that I could only get money off Word Bump.
ii. Now it randomly stops going at certain levels, making it really, really hard to earn gold.
iii. Today, for some reason, it won't award me mone period. It "apologizes for the inconvenience."
f. I cannot use Towns.
i. If there is more than one person in a town, everything freezes up. On my screen the people stop moving, speaking, I can't speak, and I can't shake anything for money. It makes me sad.
g. I cannot use Rally for its original purpose.
i. I can "pimp my ride," and appear in rooms.
ii. I cannot race. It freezes up.
iii. I can only be in a room if there aren't too many people in it. IF there are, the "Towns effect" occurs.
2. ...Well, the Games thing just screws everything else up too. I'm sure you can imagine why.
Outlines. Fun.
Why the introduction now? Because I'm redoing things. I used to have a fun little "Emo Poetry Corner" thing. But I suck at poking fun at emos through poetry, which I'm not particularly good at. Then I realized that I'm just posting for gold anyway, with there being NO OTHER DARN WAY TO ACQUIRE IT. But venting's good too. I'll do that as well, along with posting for gold.
If I ever get readers, that would make me very happy, but I never will.
But if you want to prove me wrong, go for it. No one is stopping you that I know of currently.
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