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Auztin's Journal - now 25% more psychotic I'll eat your house....

Community Member
*^~1st post~^*
The list of long questions supplied by -Bacon-
Name - Austin
Age - 14
Birthday - August 23
Nicknames - Austi
Where do you live - California
Any siblings - 1 brother
What class is totally useless - foods
What is your favorite sport - football
Read or TV - Tv
Draw or write - write
Night or day - day
Fast food or Buffet - buffet
How many pets do you have - 3
If so, what are they - 2 dogs, 1 bearded dragon
What is your favorite fantasy creature - dragon
TV/movies - ?
Favorite class - P.e.
Do you have a crush on anyone - Nope
What is the person's name - stare
Closest friends of yours - Mr. King
If you die, what creature do you want to come back as - dog!
Who is the hottest guy/girl - Dunno all seem the same
Who is the hottest guy/girl at your school - Rebbeca
Ugliest guy/girl - Dunno
Ugliest guy/girl at school - Irkard, If you are reading this burn in hell scream
How random can you get - I want to eat your grandma
Cutest couple - Dunno
Weirdest teacher - Mr.Riemers
Heaven or hell - Heaven
Up or down - down
Left or right - left
Favorite food - Pizza *orignal*
Favorite drink - Pazzira *Never heard of it?*
Worst grade ever - f...
Have you ever been in a car wreck - yea
Did you ever get any injuries - Just my pride
Have you ever been beaten up - No, I'm to damn big biggrin
Scariest person alive on the planet - *me*
Lucky number - 12
Favorite color - Silver
How many fingers (and toes) am I holding up - 21
What color boxers are you wearing - Red and they say obey me!
Say something random other than random. - chicken pox
Bug, chicken, or cow disease - chicken
Dark or bright - dark
Light or heavy - heavy
Jackets or sweaters - jackets
Boxers or briefs - boxers
Orlando hot or Orlando sexy - niether
Do you have a butt - Doesn't everybody?
How many fingers does a chicken have - 0
What happened to Pippin after he got drunk - woke up with a tatoo saying "bill screwed me"
Bugs or bug - bug
How DO you milk a cow - slow?
If you get the bird disease, where do you go for winter - mexico
If I am Bob and I died, I would be Dead Bob, if you did you'd just be dead, right - I guess
Where do bugs live - in my pants
How many chickens are on your mind - ninja 2
Would you rather get drunk and get a hang over or get drunk and go to jail - drunk and get a hang over rolleyes

There you go everybody a bunch of random crap posted in my journal...

User Comments: [3]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Apr 25, 2005 @ 06:24pm
But I thought you wuved meh?! *cries and stabs herself with a knife*

comment Commented on: Mon May 09, 2005 @ 09:07am
Hey, Fish Head! Where are you? Havent heard anything from you in gobbles. Berlg. Contact me now or face the rath id my buck teeth. Hoooray!

bye joe.
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Jun 08, 2005 @ 04:45pm
xd FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xd stare I can be MUCH more random.Random is my middle name, if you say that Lynn, and Marrie together make Random.

User Comments: [3]
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