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The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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I haven't been on Gaia much lately. My schedule has been hell and I have been just to tired to do much of anything. Bother. Well, the play will open soon, so that means I'll have my time back in the evening. Joy. I still need to post in my RP... Damn. I'll do it tomorrow.

I leave you with this snippet from the play:

Benoit: Madame, there is press outside.

Ivan: Ah! Do they want to talk to me?

Benoit: No. They only want to know if Madame drinks the blood of unborn rabbits for her complexion or weither she's had fourty-seven or fourty-eight lovers of royal blood.

Sarah: Fourty-seven and a half. I spent a weekend with a Romanov midget on the Orient Express.

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