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View User's Journal

Its... a journal...
Why not me?

Yeah, I had a really good week with my best friend.

And really... I dont mind her reading this. Anyways. I had a good week with her when she was at my house.

Now I'm at her house for a whole week which is awsome too because then I get a break from my hell hole home back in that damn druggy town.

So... here I am... at her house... bored. Shes with her boyfriend. Truthfully I hate it. I'm happy for her and all but... its not like I'm even there.

I was so out of the loop. I didnt exist. I'm happy that she is happy. More than happy. I'm just happy because shes happy... so yeah... I'm sitting here wondering 'why not me?' why didnt I get a good boyfriend.

Someone I could love, kiss... just be with. I want it so badly. I almost started crying when we were watching a movie together.

They were all lovey dovey and stuff. It almost broke my heart. I'm gonna grow up to be a lonely old woman who is still a freaking virgin.

It sucks... And if that dear friend of mine is reading this. I'm sorry that you are. These are my thoughts that I needed to get out.

I'm not upset or anything so dont feel bad... is you do... and just ignore that fact that I feel this way. It will be alittle while but I'll get someone.

I'm sure of it.

Possibly someone as wonderful as you have. Your lucky buddy!! I just hope I'll get just as lucky sometime soon. Anyone... as long as their face doesnt make me want to puke.^^

All I have to do is wait right?

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Community Member

Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 06:55am

Everybody loves somebody sometime...

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