Well, today is my mom's birthday!!! :triumphant music: I sent her card saying thats shes getting old and I don't care 'cause shes my mom and that I was sorry for being spoiled... then I put 'Not really' after it. xd lol. Just to tell you Gaians, I am not really spoiled. If I was, then I'd be perfect, which I am not and I am happy to not be. ^^ Well, I don't know what else to say so I'll just go down to the random word of the day. ttfn! ^.^
THE RANDOM WORD OF THE DAY IS.........: ........................potato. :triumphant music: Come back tomorrow for the random word of the day! ttfn!!! heart ^^ heart
Lil_anime fan 1 · Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 08:02pm · 0 Comments |