Lifes Little Lights for my loved ones {including friends family and my boyfriend} and little lights of day by angelsnowball here I am i going through this life day by day Must i ask why why must i go through this Then i think don't we all our chance there had been times where death looked the bests yes it did surrounded byt the dark and escape from the fear indeed i have tought of it would anyone miss me that much or at all will people just think of me as another person that night i thought and thought of all there was to leave the good and bad the hate and joy there has never been a promise life would be great or "fair" so i think and think all though the good and bad from all angles it feels as though i am trap traped in a small glass box filling filling with darkness wanting me to give up and give in to take my life my chace i got then their are those thing that will show you light those little sparkes of light in many diffent forms ever so often you will take those night weighting and thinking about the good and the bad if you let death take you then you think of those little lights that makes everything better and you go through life day by day and little at a time
vampireprincess165 · Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 03:21pm · 2 Comments |