My opinions on the collectables...
Mythril Halo- Meh, I'm alright with the fact that the admins are doing this in rememberance of 100 collectables, but at the same time... Y'know, kinda unfair to the acutal halo people... My rating on the Mythril Halo: 6.5/10.
Western Zodiac- Great idea for the zodiac itself, but some of the poses have some of the users ranting. I like the Cancer goggles (yes, unbelieveable, Cancers!), Virgo crown, Bow and Quiver of Staggitarius, Gemini masks (the best), Pisces (my older brother hates them, though), and the Scorpio tail (although it's seemingly coming out of yer bum). My rating on the Western Zodiac: 7/10.
Cloud- Good job on not disrupting the cloud's exquisite cloudiness by just leaving the name as "Cloud". The actual cloud that you stand on is good, but I see a LOT of flying Nimbus cosplays coming our way. Slippers; OH YES. The slippers are made of win. For reals. Mist, like others have said, is pretty cool, but a lot of sexy no jutsu cosplays on Monday. PLEASE, Narutards, be considerate of our wasted time. Same goes for the partly cloudy, but since it resembles soap, it's more of the "Ah, you caught me showering!" things. The rainbow is good for some avis, I'll just say it's alright. No comment on the lethal cloud. xd The rainy pose is good; I like it a lot. But, it equals a lot of emo kids in the arena. - - My rating on the Cloud: 7.5/10.
Diet Chaos · Sat Jun 16, 2007 @ 06:27pm · 2 Comments |