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View User's Journal

Its... a journal...
I had another dream...
HEY HEY!!! You peoples wanna know about me dream!!!? Well before that... like

yeah, schools out!!! Whoopie!!! I'm so freaking happy. The last day of school

sucked... well besides me finding out an amazing website that helps me unblock

things on the computers at school... yes, just like gaia. I get to go on gaia at

school, I'm so happy.

Oh yeah so my dream...

So, for some reason I was in New York. Dont ask why XD

So I was in NY and like I was in some scientists room with lots of scientists all

around me.

There was one window and everyone was looking out it so I decided to look out it too.

Their was like this white mist coming towards us and it was freezing everything in its path!!!

So like the stupid scientists decided that putting a blanket will stop it so they pin it

up over the window like idiots.

The mist comes through and like freezes everyone and kills them. I run away.

I'm running through NY looking for a place to hide when some random person

decides to pull me into a store and stuff me in a sleeping bag and throw me in a

corner. I was like... "Alright..." So the mist goes bye bye and everyone goes


The people who were frozen are now dead.

So for like a whole week the mist will come and kill people from six in the morning

to six in the afternoon.

Me and some random people I dont know... decided to stop it.

So we go to paris... in a car... driving... dont ask me how.

Then the road comes alive and decides that eating me... would be the best thing

to do... so I died...

So YEAH!!! That was my dream. Oh yeah, the trees were made out of

graham crackers for some reason...

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