I didn't finish my items list, but oh well...
The other day was so weird. I put on swim trunks, a grey shirt a size too big for me, and huge pink beads. And we walked along the street, past little girls with lemonade. And a boy hopped on his bike and started following us. I was being happy and obnoxious, which is probably what made him so... Gr. D= He got off the bike, and picked up a dirty sock off the ground. Then he ran over to me. And began beating me with it and laughing.
And I said the first thing that came to my mind:: "GO BACK TO CHINA, YOU LITTLE COMMUNIST!" So he was like, "HAAAAAAAAA!" and beat me again. Then he got on his bike and ran at me, so I hopped on the picnic tabe.
....It was weird. Yeah/
Audra Connolly · Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 09:34pm · 1 Comments |