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Shenlong's Journal
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The Absolute Free Speech Test
Absolute FreeSpeaker
You scored 94% tolerant!

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The populist authoritarianism that is the downside of political correctness means that anyone, sometimes it seems like everyone, can proclaim their grief and have it acknowledged. The victim culture, every sufferer grasping for their own Holocaust, ensures that anyone who feels offended can call for moderation, for dilution, and in the end, as is all too often the case, for censorship. And censorship, that by-product of fear - stemming as it does not from some positive agenda, but from the desire to escape our own terrors and superstitions by imposing them on others - must surely be resisted. ~Jonathon Green

You are the embodiment of Voltaire's quote: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

You believe that everyone has the right to their opinions, and the right to speak them as well. Individuals scoring in this catagory are ranked the highest amongst all others, in support of free speech. If you are an american, you love the Constitution, and would most likely take up arms to protect it, especially if it was under attack from tyranny.

Scoring in this catagory you probably dislike alot of the examples given, you may even think they were inappropriate, but you alone understand the importance of protecting the speech of those we disagree with. You should be very proud.

This group above all others should remember to visit: http://www.absolutefreespeech.com

Take away the right to say "********" and you take away the right to say "******** the government." ~Lenny Bruce

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Higher than 58% on tolerant

Link: The Absolute Free Speech Test written by Cogniphiliac on Ok Cupid

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jun 01, 2007 @ 07:05am
scream Yes!!! You know Mama agree's! It Sounds just like you! LOVE U MOSTEST! heart

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