• Why am I afraid?
    My heart-it speaks so beautifully.
    "He is the one for me."
    My heart-it loves you.
    My love, forgive what we have been through.
    Just say you'll only marry this heart.

    Why do I feel like it could fall apart?
    My mind- it sees fearsome illusions.
    I've made all the wrong decisions.
    So save me, take me now.
    Turn my head away from the darkness I did bow.
    Say you'll only marry this woman as Jesus heals her mind.

    Why do I fear to leave these shadows behind?
    My love-it begins to grow day by day.
    In my dreams, I beckon you to stay.
    Support me, my dear, all my life.
    I'll betray the darkness to be your wife.
    Please say you'll only marry me.