• Young innocent, where have you gone
    Last time I saw you was hours before dawn
    You ran off in the night with thoughts in your head
    I fear the worse, could you really be dead
    This can't be true I know it's not
    All eyes were deceived, this boy isn't in a grave
    But in a place of darkness
    He was kind to all treated everyone the same
    But some don't take kindness as well as others
    Because the one he was most kind to
    Had choose to leave him for another
    He didn't understand, he was a good guy
    Although a little shy he never let a good thing die
    He's been deceived countless times by the one's he loved
    So open yet so misunderstood
    Love is between two people not one
    so he said why not quit love and be done
    He choose to deny all who came
    Even the one's with fortune or fame
    Love is for the weak he had set in his mind
    Love became his enemy for all time