• There you are walking home

    Where you walk past others who

    sing this joyful song

    You want to join them

    laugh and play

    But you must head home

    right away

    Because if you don't they will

    come searching

    to bring pain and sorrow

    to your already fragile life.

    You get to the front steps

    where you want to turn


    But if they find you in their

    drunken spell they may just

    take you and put you in the


    So you enter the door to see

    a cold empty space

    and run for the stairs

    to go and hide your face.

    But soon that time comes when

    they enter into that door

    start to take down whiskey

    and so much more.

    At the top of their lungs they start

    to scream

    the neighbors hearing everything.

    Then comes their foot steps

    up the stairs

    you start to panic and hide under

    your bed

    hoping they would walk past your

    room instead.

    But slam goes the door that separated

    you from them

    they shout your name

    and grab your baseball bat

    like as if they want to play a game

    But under their drunken spell

    their anger overwhelms them

    and puts your life through hell.

    Soon they find you and pull you out

    and in a blink of an eye take your

    broken fragile life with there intoxicated


    Why did they do this

    you start to wonder

    why did they take what little life

    you had

    The only thing you could think of

    was they loved it so much

    their intoxicated ways that they

    were willing to sacrifice your life

    and give up on everything.

    That's when you knew they

    had taken things way to far

    and eventually ending theirs

    in a broken smashed up car.