• From fiery flame ascends cool, crisp, and clear. A bittersweet ballad seeded in the dead of night, awaits its chance to bloom, to blossom, to burst forth in the eyes of the approaching dawn. Life slips away to hide, behind towering textured shells, beneath cool unforeseen depths. Darkness, lingers last, light seems to pass, receding further with the hands of time. Bustle and rustle cease to be, muffled murmurs to take their place.

    Words of old sung anew, aided by lips of youth, come to rest upon ears of aged. Seemingly so cliché, such simple words, yet messengers of great joy. Songs sung through the lives of all generations, during this special time of year, songs of peace, songs of hope, songs of joy and cheer. Other songs, sung all year round, having no specific time, seem to fade into the distance, as these songs ring aloud.

    Emotions spread like great wild fire. Generosity is spreading wider, joy climbing ever higher. Through and through the lands, charity expands, extending its hands, not making simple demands. Serenity takes its flight, looking for a heart upon which to alight, to shine its light. Unseen, yet felt deep within, flowing through like the wind, entering not through the eyes, but the ears. Leading you forwards by the Noels of angels and even the silence in the night. Led by the shine of the stars so bright they make their way to the peaceful place of rest. They humbly but surely bring the message of a little baby boy born amongst the bray of donkeys and the bleating of lambs on a cold clear starry night.