• My heart grieves in apprehension
    As the alluring comfort in darkness is broken
    She is an amber presence on the horizon
    A feared and loathed atrocity by soldier tribunal

    My being does not share my comrades disposition
    Their sunkern eyes trade her for the dim trenches
    I bask in her splendour as if it were the final hour
    Fleeting thoughts come and go during our embrace

    My sorrows guise under a single question
    "When will they look at sienna sky and truly cherish it?"
    She blushes at our admiration
    Unknowing of our lack of appreciation

    My body shuddered at the thought
    "If I fall will my emotions beunkownst to her?"
    From this I was bestowed the will to live
    For you must know how the truth in my words

    A battle ensued.

    My hand crippling, a pain exuding from inside
    I whispered: "Please, make haste thy constellations,
    If our paths do not cross how will she know?"
    Pleas offered no respite from the maroon atmosphere

    My eyes will fall into the black I desperately avoided
    I was certain, my fate had been decided
    Flames menacingly darted around like possessed pirouettes
    It's grimacing facade then seemingly ended

    My soul had been delivered to the great beyond
    I denied the sanctity, peace and warmth destiny offered
    for I did not belong under heaven's repute
    I turned from thy garish divinity

    My journey led me to a knotted willow
    It's arms billowed under autumn's reprise
    As the brightest star bit into the hills
    I realised had not been fighting for justice nor victory

    My mind had not lost to the war or desolation
    For memories of her consoled me in my solitude
    Such a semblance to the great Sky's jewel
    I had created such an apparation of her

    My purpose lay here, an embelished headstone
    "I am here, be alone no longer and we shall walk to the ends of the earth"
    It was there she appeared , eyes aglow contoured by her smile
    I felt her hand in mine as we began our neverending stroll

    My thoughts were that those in the ethereal plane are a doomed existance
    Trapped by anguish, lost and never to be found
    as we strolled through starlit boulevard
    I knew that I had been wronged, heaven could not compare