• The rain glided down the window pane
    Its clear color hiding the shame within.
    Light reflects off in a shine
    Till the rain drop reaches the chilly balcony.

    Wind whispers in your ears
    It seems to cry to you
    It seems to be shy to you.
    But it can only talk with you
    Till the wind brushes against the chilly balcony.

    Lighting licks the sky
    It then gazes in your eyes.
    You try to help it find a way
    But it can only show itself to you,
    Till the lighting illuminates the chilly balcony.

    Clouds roll in as it assists the stirring storm.
    They go lower and lower to till they become fog.
    The fog grips your ankles in a plea
    But it can only engulf you
    Till the fog slides over the chilly balcony.

    Rain, Lightning, Wind, Clouds.
    They all surround you
    They are the breeze in your hair
    They are the flash to your smile
    They are the tears in your eyes
    They are the mist to you lost personality....

    The elements that allow you to be
    The ghost
    On that Old Blue Balcony....