• Hollow eyes and the palest skin,
    they pray it's just a trend.
    Can you see how they're appalled?

    The less there is the better,
    running on empty is perfect weather.
    Touch their skin, they're porcelain dolls.

    Rip them open, they've had nothing to eat,
    their empty eyes beg for sleep.
    Beautiful, society calls.

    Slit her throat and left a note,
    'I love you' is all she wrote.
    Her blood's on the walls.

    Scars that hide, but never heal,
    nobody can see what you can feel.
    You keep yourself outside the box.

    His heart, it pounds inside his head.
    Morning comes and finds him dead.
    They had the advantage to this brawl.

    This war is over, society's won,
    because their words, they wound like guns.
    Mannequin faces decay in the downfall.